Wednesday 1 July 2020

Japanese Children's Song - Evening of the Star Festival - たなばたさま

Lyrics and Translation in Description! This song is about Tanabata, one of the major festivals in Japan held on July 7th. Some of the words in the song are very old and may not sound familiar so it would be a great song to sing with grandparents! Japanese Lyrics: ささのは さらさら のきばに ゆれる おほしさま きらきら きんぎん すなご ごしきの たんざく わたしが かいた おほしさま きらきら そらから みてる English Translation: Bamboo leaves Are tossed in the wind The stars are shining Gold and silver sand Five different colors of Wishing strips I wrote The stars are shining Watching over us from the sky

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