Monday 18 February 2019

Top 10 Battles of the Greco Persian Wars

The Greeks and Persians battled for over 175 years, between the beginning of the Greco-Persian Wars in 499 BC, and the end of Alexander the Great’s Persian campaigns in 327 BC. Possibly hundreds of thousands of Greeks, Persians, and their allies perished in these conflicts. Both sides won impressive battles, but the Greco-Macedonians ultimately triumphed. →Subscribe for new videos every day! Find more lists at: Entertaining and educational top 10 lists from TopTenzNet! Subscribe to our Facebook: Business inquiries to Other TopTenz Videos: 10 Misadventures of “Florida Man” Top 10 Amazing Yet Uninspiring Achievements Text version: Coming up: 10. The Battle of Marathon (August / September 490 BC) 9. The Battles of Artemisium and Thermopylae (August – September 480 BC) 8. The Battle of Salamis (September 480 BC) 7. The Battle of Plataea (August 479 BC) 6. The Battle of Aegospotami (405 BC) 5. The Battle of Cunaxa (September 3, 401 BC) 4. The Battle of the Granicus (May 334 BC) 3. The Battle of Issus (5 November 333 BC) 2. The Siege of Tyre (January – July 332 BC) 1. The Battle of Gaugamela (October 1, 331 BC)

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