Friday 21 September 2018

Learn Japanese with Songs | フーチロッカーズ Hoochie Rockers - 曇り空 Cloudy Skies

Original song ‘Cloudy Skies’ (曇り空) performed by Hoochie Rockers (フーチロッカーズ) for JapanesePod101. Click here to speed up your Japanese learning with the best FREE tools and resources online! ↓ Lyrics in the Description ↓ More about Hoochie Rockers: - Official Homepage: Discover new music while improving your Japanese with this video. Learn the song’s key words and phrases with our lyric video then add it to your playlist to understand it inside and out. By listening over and over, you'll reinforce your learning in the most sweet-sounding way. In this lesson you'll learn the key words and phrases from Cloudy Skies, performed by Hoochie Rockers. This Japanese song will challenge your listening comprehension skills and help you progress in your Japanese study. This is THE place to start if you want to start learning Japanese. If you like learning with songs, or have a suggestion or question, please leave a comment! Click here if you want to speed up your Japanese learning: LYRICS 曇り空 嫌なことばかりあるんだな 頭の上にゃ曇り空 ヤルことなすこと裏に出て 心がちょっと折れそうだ オレンヂ色の帰り道 いつもの道をトボトボと 埃をかぶった裏通り 昔のオレと擦れ違う 転がる石はゴロゴロと ぶつかりながら落ちてゆく だんだん角が取れてきて 最後に海へと辿りつく 世間の色には染まらずに 生きてりゃ明日も曇り空 見知らぬ誰かに咬みついて 浮かれた街にツバを吐く Special Thanks to The Room: ■ Patreon: ■ Facebook: ■ Twitter: ■ Tumblr: ■ Instagram: Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

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